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"The act of educating, loving, respecting,listening,embracing,advocating for, and supporting through pregnancy, labour, childbirth, and postpartum." 

Birth Packages

Postpartum and Ayurvedic Services

Antenatal Courses

Mother and Baby on Floor

What Does A Doula Do?

  • A doula offers practical, emotional, and physical support.

  • A doula is a trained professional but not medically involved.

  • A doula provides focused, personal, non-judgemental care.

  • A doula provides information/education

  • A doula does not give advice or opinions. 

  • A doula supports the partner to feel comfortable and confident in their desired role during birth. 

  • A doula works to empower families and instill confidence.

  • A doula mother's the mother

    "I am committed to upholding this quality of care for each client.  I offer support, encouragement, and hold a space for each woman to feel empowered in their ability to birth and mother, in their own individual way.   From pain relief techniques to emotional support, pre and postnatal education, and practical help, I am there to support the families needs. History has shown the credibility of the doula and now research has supported the efficacy of a doula."

Initial Meeting

30 min     Free

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